Conductivity cells are used for electric conductivity measurements with use of conductivity meters. Sometimes they are called a conductivity electrodes, but this is the incorrect name, as the electrodes are a part of the conductivity cell and they are placed inside the measuring cell.
Most often the conductivity cells are equipped with platinum electrodes, platinum electrodes covered with platinum black or metal electrodes (in most cases steel).
For our conductivity meters we offer an universal conductivity cell - ECF-1 with wide measuring range which, in practice, enables measurements of most of the liquids and samples.
The most accurate measurements of the ultra pure water, with conductivity from 0 to 10 µS/cm, should be made in the outflow of the water from the distillation, filtering or closed system. They should be done with use of a flow conductivity cell or a cell placed in a special flow through vessel. This eliminates the influence of the atmospheric gases which can change the result. The most accurate, for this purpose, are cells with platinum electrodes which are not covered with the platinum black. Constant K of this cells is about 0.1 cm-1.
For the liquids with conductivity above 400 mS/cm we offer a conductivity cell with the constant K about 10 cm-1.

Detailed description of the conductivity cells is available after selecting the specific model.

- conductivity cells with metal electrodes,
K=0.45 cm-1, range: 0 µS/cm to 400 mS/cm
- four electrode conductivity cell,
K=1 cm-1, range: 10 µS/cm to 300 mS/cm
- conductivity cell with platinum electrodes and glass body,
K=0.1 cm-1, range: 0 to 200 µS/cm
- conductivity cell with platinum electrodes covered with platinum black and plastic body,
K=10 cm-1, range: 10 mS/cm to 1000 mS/cm