The Elmetron company has won many awards and distinctions for their products. Below we present the most important of them.

Wyróznienie EUROLAB CX-705 Distinction in the contest for the best offer on the EUROLAB 2018 fairs in the category: "Laboratory measuring equipment" for the CX-705 multifunction meter.
Wyróznienie EUROLAB CX-461 Distinction in the contest for the best offer on the EUROLAB 2012 fairs in the category: "Field laboratory equipment" for the CX-461 multifunction meter.
Nagroda EUROLAB CX-701 Award for the best offer in the category "Portable Measuring Equipment". The prize was awarded by the Center of Ecological Measurements of Polish Academy of Science in the 2009 year for the CX-701 multifunction meter.
Nagroda EUROLAB CX-701 Award for the best offer in the category "Analytical Equipment" on the EUROLAB 2009 fairs for the CX-701 multifunction meter.
Nagroda publiczności POL-EKO Audience award for the most friendly stand, at Pol-Eko fairs in Poznan.
Nagroda EUROLAB CX-401 Award for the best offer on the fairs for the CX-401 multifunction meter.
Nagroda EUROLAB CC-401 Award for the best offer on the fairs for the CC-401 conductivity / salinity meter.
Nagroda EUROLAB CP-401 Award for the best offer on the fairs for the CP-401 pH meter.
Nagroda Controla Optica CX-742 Controla - Optica Fairs, for the multifunction meter CX-742.
Nagroda POLEKO CP-315 International Poznan Fairs POLEKO award for the CP-315 pH meter.
Nagroda Grand Prix International Grand Prix for The Best Service and Quality.
Nagroda EKOTECH Medal for the best Polish technology on International Kielce Fairs "Eko-Tech".