The most important features:

Detailed description:

CX-502 measures pH, redox potential (mV), conductivity, salinity, TDS, resistivity, dissolved oxygen in % of saturation or mg/l, atmospheric pressure and temperature. Equipped with 60 mm thermal printer. The meter includes all functions of pH meters, conductivity meters and oxygen meters of the 502 series. High accuracy and stability in all the measuring functions. The most recent model has been modified, what results in offering new functions which make working easier, ensure higher accuracy and fulfil more requirements.

Characteristic features:

In the pH measuring function:

In the mV and redox potential measurement function:

In the conductivity measuring mode:

In the dissolved oxygen measurement mode:

In the atmospheric pressure measuring function

Other features:

In comparison with the CX-505 meter, the CX-502 model is equipped with a smaller display.
The accessories are chosen individually.
The standard set includes CT2B-121 temperature probe.

Function pH mV Conductivity /
O2 (mg/l) O2 (%) Temperature
Range -6.000 ÷ 20.000 pH ±1999.9 mV 0 ÷ 1999.9 mS/cm
(autorange) /
0 ÷ 239 g/l KCl
0 ÷ 296 g/l NaCl
0 ÷ 60 mg/l 0 ÷ 600 %,
in the air:
0 ÷ 100 %
-50.00 ÷ 199.9 °C
(±1 digit)
±0.002 pH* ±0.1 mV* up to to 19.99 mS/cm ±0.1 %*
above 20.00 mS/cm ±0.25 %* /
salinity 2 %*
±0.01 mg/l* ±0.1 %** ±0.1 °C***
Temp. compensation -5 ÷ 110 °C - -5 ÷ 70 °C 0 ÷ 40 °C - -
Input impedance >1012Ω >1012Ω - - - -
α coefficient - - 0.00 ÷ 10.00 %/°C - - -
K constant - - 0.010 ÷ 19.999 cm-1 - - -
Resistivity Range: 0.500 Ωcm ÷ 200 MΩcm, accuracy: ±2% of the measured value*
Air pressure range 800 ÷ 1100 hPa, accuracy ±2 HPa
Printer thermal, width = 60 mm
Power supply 6 V / 2 A power adapter
Weight 670 g
Dimensions (mm) L = 200, W = 180 H = 20/50
PC connection USB
* The accuracy of the meter only.
** The accuracy of the meter only. With COG-1 or COG-2 oxygen sensor the accuracy at calibration temperature: ±1%. By the difference ±5 °C accuracy: ±3%, by the difference ±10 °C accuracy: ±5%.
*** The accuracy of the meter only. The total error includes the meters and probe’s accuracy. In the range 0 ÷ 100 °C the acceptable error of the probe with Pt-1000B resistor: ±0.8 °C, with Pt-1000A resistor: ±0.35 °C.