The most important features

Detailed description

Measures accurately: pH, redox potential (mV) and temperature. The most recent model has been improved with more possibilities providing easier operation.

Characteristic Features:

The standard set includes: CT2B-121 temperature probe with Pt-1000B resistor and EPS-1 pH electrode for measurements in clear water, which should not be used in other types of liquid. Measurements in liquid with sediment should be made with use of IJ44A pH electrode, which enables measurements in various samples of both pure and contaminated liquids and semi-solids. Its unusual construction ("intermediate junction”) protects the real junction (diaphragm) of the electrode against clogging, ensures stable measurements in these types of liquids or semi-liquid mass, in which other electrodes stop working quickly. When properly handled, the electrode's lifetime is longer than the standard electrodes.
In comparison with the CP-505 meter, the CP-502 model is equipped with a smaller display.

Function pH Redox / mV Temperature
Range -6.000 ÷ 20.000 pH ± 1999.0 mV -50.0 ÷ 199.9 °C
Resolution 0.001 pH or 0.01 pH 0.1 mV 0.1 °C
Accuracy (±1 digit) ±0.002 pH* ±0.1 mV* ±0.1 °C**
Temp. compensation -5 ÷ 110 °C - -
Input impedance >1012Ω >1012Ω -
Printer thermal, width = 60 mm
Power supply 6 V / 2 A power adapter
Weight 650 g
Dimensions (mm) L = 200, W = 150, H = 20/50
PC connection USB
* The accuracy of the meter only.
** The accuracy of the meter only. The total error includes the meters and probe’s accuracy. In the range 0 ÷ 100 °C the acceptable error of the probe with Pt-1000B resistor:±0.8 °C, with Pt-1000A resistor: ±0.35 °C.