The most important features

Detailed description:

All the models measure: concentration of oxygen dissolved in water and sewage in % or mg/l, oxygen saturation in air, temperature and atmospheric pressure. The most recent model has been improved with more possibilities providing easier operation. The meters are equipped with a built-in thermal printer (60 mm). Standardised operating procedures for all functions make working easier.

Characteristic features:

Oxygen measurement function:

Conductivity measurement function in CCO-502:

pH measurement function in CPO-502:

mV, redox potential measurement function in CPO-502:

Other features

In comparison with the CC-505 meter, the CC-502 model is equipped with a smaller display.

The standard set includes CT2B-121 temperature sensor with Pt-1000B resistor and COG-1 oxygen sensor. Other accessories depend on the chosen model of the meter.

Function O2 (%) O2 (mg/l) Temperature pH
mV / redox
Conductivity / Salinity
Range 0 ÷ 600%,
0 ÷ 100%
in the air,
0 ÷ 60 mg/l -50.0 ÷ 199.9°C -6.000 ÷ 20.000 pH ±1999.9 mV 0 ÷ 1999.9 mS/cm /
0 ÷ 239 g/l KCl
0 ÷ 296 g/l NaCl
(±1 digit)
±0.1%** ±0.01 mg/l* ±0.1 °C*** ±0.002 pH* ±0.1 mV* up to 19.99 mS/cm ±0.1%*
above 20 mS/cm: ±0,25%* /
salinity 2%*
Temp. compens. - 0 ÷ 40 °C - -5 ÷ 110 °C - -5 ÷ 70 °C
Input imped. - - - >1012Ω >1012Ω -
α coefficient - - - - - 0.00 ÷10.00%/°C
Atmosph. press. 800 ÷ 1100 hPa, accuracy ±2 hPa
Resistivity Range: 0.500 Ωcm ÷ 200 MΩcm, accuracy: ±2% of the measured value
Printer thermal, width = 60 mm
Power supply 6 V / 2 A power adapter
Weight 660 g (CPO-502)
Dimensions (mm) L = 200, W = 180, H = 22/50
PC connection USB
* The accuracy of the meter only.
** The accuracy of the meter only. With COG-1 or COG-2 oxygen sensor the accuracy at calibration temperature: ±1 %. By the difference ±5 °C accuracy: ± 3 %, by the difference ±10°C accuracy: ±5 %.
*** The accuracy of the meter only. The total error includes the meters and probe’s accuracy. In the range 0 ÷ 100°C the acceptable error of the probe with Pt-1000B resistor: ±0.8°C, with Pt-1000A resistor: ±0.35 °C.